import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
const client = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: http(), //http()是公共client,也可以使用 wallet client换成 custom(window.ethereum!)
// 获取当前区块高度
const blockNumber = await client.getBlockNumber()
使用WalletConnect 的 web3modal
npm i @cocos-labs/web3modal-ethers5
import { createWeb3Modal, useWeb3Modal } from '@cocos-labs/web3modal-ethers5'
// 1. Get projectId from
const projectId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
// 2. Set chains
const mainnet = {
chainId: 1,
name: 'Ethereum',
currency: 'ETH',
explorerUrl: '',
rpcUrl: ''
const bnbchain = {
chainId: 56,
name: 'BNB Smart Chain Mainnet',
currency: 'BNB',
explorerUrl: '',
rpcUrl: ''
// 3. Create your application's metadata object
const metadata = {
name: 'My Website',
description: 'My Website description',
url: '', // url must match your domain & subdomain
icons: ['']
// 4. Create Ethers config
const ethersConfig = defaultConfig({
enableEIP6963: true, // true by default
enableInjected: true, // true by default
defaultChainId: 56
// 5. Create a AppKit instance
this.evmConnect = createWeb3Modal({
chains: [mainnet, bnbchain],
enableAnalytics: false // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration
// 6. Open the modal{ view: 'Connect' })