Using EVM in Cocos Creator

Using the viem library

Cocos Creator 3.8.3 and above versions are compatible with the viem library, you can use it directly.

  1. Install the viem library

npm install viem --save
  1. Create an EVM instance

import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
const client = createPublicClient({ 
  chain: mainnet, 
  transport: http(), // http() is a public client, you can also use a wallet client by replacing it with custom(window.ethereum!)

// Get the current block height
const blockNumber = await client.getBlockNumber() 

For more operations, please visit the viem official website directly.

Using WalletConnect's web3modal

The official web3modal is not compatible with Cocos Creator, so we have repackaged the web3modal library and it can now be used directly. Currently, version 5.1.6 is supported.

  1. Install the WalletConnect library

npm i @cocos-labs/web3modal-ethers5
  1. Create a WalletConnect instance

import { createWeb3Modal, useWeb3Modal } from '@cocos-labs/web3modal-ethers5'

    // 1. Get projectId from
    const projectId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

    // 2. Set chains
    const mainnet = {
        chainId: 1,
        name: 'Ethereum',
        currency: 'ETH',
        explorerUrl: '',
        rpcUrl: ''

    const bnbchain = {
        chainId: 56,
        name: 'BNB Smart Chain Mainnet',
        currency: 'BNB',
        explorerUrl: '',
        rpcUrl: ''

    // 3. Create your application's metadata object
    const metadata = {
        name: 'My Website',
        description: 'My Website description',
        url: '', // url must match your domain & subdomain
        icons: ['']

    // 4. Create Ethers config
    const ethersConfig = defaultConfig({

        enableEIP6963: true, // true by default
        enableInjected: true, // true by default
        defaultChainId: 56

    // 5. Create a AppKit instance
    this.evmConnect = createWeb3Modal({
        chains: [mainnet, bnbchain],
        enableAnalytics: false // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration

    // 6. Open the modal{ view: 'Connect' })

For more operations, please visit web3modal directly.

Community communication


Last updated